African Contextual Factors


Figure 15: African contextual factors map.


Recommended Actions

  • Map and audit scale-up sectoral data, infrastructure (physical and digital) and projects/ activities within national frameworks of the larger, more established markets, and at the pan-African level.

    Determine current gaps and potential future opportunities within these frameworks that can support scaling ventures.

    Improve signposting so that scale-ups can access national resources and opportunities with reference guides.

    In a participatory and ecosystem-led manner, develop a pan-African strategy, and national operational roadmaps for execution in the larger market territories.

  • Assess and consolidate ecosystem efforts in order to align them and improve synergy, eliminate duplication and reduce resource wastage.

    Evaluate the feasibility of industry-led virtual catapult networks (specialist, networked, innovation centres), focused on key verticals, such as fintech, agri, climate, energy, health, and education.

  • Review, evaluate and build on existing open innovation strategic efforts at pan-African, regional and/or national levels.

    Include effective implementation partnerships across scaling ventures, research agencies, universities, hubs, network partners and governments.

  • Programme outcomes need to be measurable, commercial, and sustainable.

    Cross-cultural exchanges are designed for reciprocity (not one-way displacement).

    Recalibrate existing activities based on mutual partnership respect and sustained, long-term value creation.

  • Programme approaches include both design and systems innovation.

    Ensure public sector innovation competencies are suitably upweighted and knowledge shared widely across relevant institutions.